Achieve a Smile That Will Last a Lifetime

An Orthodontist is a specialist in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities.  All orthodontists are dentists, but only about six percent of dentists are orthodontists.  Admission to orthodontic programs is extremely competitive and selective.

It takes many years to become an orthodontist and the educational requirements are demanding.  An orthodontist learns the complex skills required to manage tooth movement and guide facial development.  

Achieving healthy, beautiful smiles is a team effort that the orthodontist, the family dentist, the patient (and parents), and as needed, other dental specialists.  The orthodontist provides the expertise, the treatment plan, and the techniques to straighten teeth and align the jaws.  The family dentist helps ensure that the teeth and gums stay clean and healthy.  The patient must cooperate by following the dentist's and the orthodontist's instructions carefully so that the teeth and jaws move in the way desired and on the prescribed schedule.