A Healthy, Beautiful Smile at Any Age

It's Never Too Late To Be Your Best

Orthodontic treatment is about a change for the better, no matter what your age.  Adult braces can give you confidence and self-esteem.  But your orthodontist has another equally important treatment goal - to improve the health of your teeth and gums.  

When left untreated, many orthodontic problems may become worse.  Crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain.  Given time, crowding may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss.  Bad bites can also result in abnormal wearing of tooth surfaces, difficulty in chewing, and damage to supporting bone and gum tissue.

Will Adult Braces Fit Your Lifestyle?

You'll be very pleased to learn that braces will work with your current lifestyle.  You can do almost anything with braces - sing, dine out, kiss, and even have your picture taken!  

Today's technology makes people wearing braces feel better about how they look.  Metal brackets are much smaller than they used to be.  Even less noticeable are ceramic or plastic braces.  And lingual braces (ones that go behind your teeth) may be appropriate in some cases.  Your orthodontist will tell you which of these options is best for you.